Monday, March 31, 2008

Taged By melissa

I was tagged by Melissa ( my lovely Wife ), here we go

....10 Best items in no particular order;

Best Lotion: Anything that works not any flower smelly stuff !

Best Shampoo & Conditioner: Crew Shampoo It has a cool feel when used. Like a peppermint patty on your head.

Best Find This Month: I found a Matching pair of socks !

Best Tip: If you like what you do you won't work a day in your life.

Best Water: Ice cold almost turning to Ice.

Best Burger: Guacamole Bacon Burger from Red Robin. When are they going to put a Red Robin down here ?

Best Deodorant: I don't care as long as it is gel. Who comes up with some of thees questions.

Best Sushi Restaurant: I like sushi but can't afford it so I don't have a favorite place to eat it.

Best Chapstick & Lip Gloss: Chapstick Peppermint (it tingles) I don't use lip gloss

I tag the next person who reads this .

Sand Hollow

Looks like a nice hot day at Sand Hollow. This was taken in January
Another sandy fence
We were riding the 4 wheelers. I took this over looking the valley. What a View!

Some of the rocks looked like you could tip them over. The formationg are great.
Another pict over looking the valley of the red rocks.

Hoped you liked the photos.

Thanks Matt

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Just a fun weekend with the family ! ! ! !

This picture was taken by my 5 year old son he loves to help me take photos
Here is my other helper we were making breakfast for mom he was so excited to get stuff from the cabinet. Between grabing stuff for me he would play on the ladder like a jungle gym.
We went for a walk around the block with the boys. They had to wear their rollerblades so they did't get too far ahead I told them they couldn't pass the next driveway till me and mom crossed the the driveway befor. So they would sit down while they waited for slow Mom & Dad to catch up
Here is Mom and the two youngest boys. Look she is turning St George she wore a jacket so coop had to follow. Notice the other boys have T-shirts. It was upper 60's. Look how happy cooper is just to get out.
Zack Is thrilled to be on his skates. He is getting pritty good. He puts them on and rolls acrosted the back patio over and over. I love to get out with the boys
This weekend was great we took a walk around the block. Went to the boys soccer game. Worked on the yard. Slept out on the trampoline well untill 3:00 am. It was still fun. We all worked on planting the garden. Hope it will grow in the red dirt and the Hot summer. Then the boys and I cooked in the kitchen. I cant ask for a better weekend.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

This Photo was one of the first days I had my camera it was alot of fun A frend of mine Jon and I spent 45 min or so taking picts of the flag we took over a hundred photos. This one is one of my the best shots. The rain had just stoped so you can see the droplets on the branches.

This one we went to Layton park and took picturs of the boys I like this one. I like the motion it shows but Matt is still semi sharp. It was a great day at the park. We all had fun.
I like nature.
The colors are great
I Took this one on a backpacking hike in the back country of Yellowstone. This is one of my favorite parks to hike at. The hike lead to a waterfall I can't wait to return.